
BIRCH Links & Resources

A search engine for evidence-based breastfeeding resources available in Huron county: BIRCH (Breastfeeding Information Resource for the County of Huron). Developed by the Alexandra Marine & General Hospital Obstetrical Program and supported by a grant from Best Start by Health Nexus.

This resource has been prepared with funds provided by the Government of Ontario and the support of the Best Start Resource Centre at Health Nexus. The information herein reflects the views of the authors and is not officially endorsed by the Government of Ontario or the Best Start Resource Centre.

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10 Great Reasons to Breastfeed

Breastfeeding is best for you and your baby and here are 10 great reasons to breastfeed your baby.
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Amazing Milk

A pamphlet to help parents understand the benefits of breastfeeding to mom and baby.
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Baby-led Latching/following your Baby’s Cues

A video discussing looking for baby’s cues that indicate their need to breastfeed as well as baby-led latching and the importance of skin to skin.
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Bilingual Online Ontario Breastfeeding Services

An online searchable directory of breastfeeding services such as clinics, drop-ins, telephone helplines and more in Huron County and all of Ontario.
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Blocked Ducts

A fact sheet about the causes and treatments of blocked ducts in breastfeeding moms.
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Breastfeeding after Caesarean Section

A video discussing breastfeeding tips after having a C-section including the importance of skin to skin, positioning, hand expression and how to know your baby is getting enough milk.
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Breastfeeding Info Sheets

A listing of the information sheets available on Dr. Jack Newman’s Breastfeeding Inc. website covering topics ranging from benefits of breastfeeding to latching to breastfeeding challenges.
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Breastfeeding Matters Book

An important guide to breastfeeding for women and their families.
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Breastfeeding Resources Ontario

A website that provides a centralized source of quality, evidence-informed resources that support the Baby-Friendly Initiative.
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Breastfeeding Videos

A listing of the videos available on Dr. Jack Newman’s Breastfeeding Inc. website covering topics including latching, inserting a lactation aid, cup feeding and tongue-tie release.
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Can I get pregnant while I’m breastfeeding?

A video discussing birth control options during breastfeeding.
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Can I take some medications while I breastfeed?

A video discussing medication use during breastfeeding.
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Challenges of Breastfeeding: Engorgement

Information on how to relieve engorgement to help baby latch.
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Challenges of Breastfeeding: Sore nipples

Information on how to prevent and treat sore nipples.
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Do I have enough milk for my growing baby?

A video discussing how you know if your baby is getting enough milk when breastfeeding and also baby’s hunger cues.
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Does my diet affect the baby through my milk?

A video discussing if diet can affect your baby through breastmilk as well as self-care for breastfeeding moms.
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Dr. Jack Newman’s International Breastfeeding Centre

“The world’s breastfeeding resource”.
Empowering parents by ensuring they receive the most up-to-date information to assist them with their breastfeeding baby. Breastfeeding resources include free information sheets, video clips, and articles. Some resources, such as books, protocols and videos can also be purchased through the website.
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Effective Latch on Breast

A video demonstrating a good latch and the importance of skin to skin.
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Expressing & Storing Breast Milk

A fact sheet for parents on how to express & store breast milk
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Hand Expression LPCH Stanford

A video demonstrating hand expression tips and tricks